Monday, July 25, 2011

Speech-Part 2

I finally got back the results from Em's speech therapy evalution. She did qualify for speech therapy. I was a little shocked since the therapist originally said that she didn't think she would. But I do think it will be good for her, and it can only help. Her therapist said that she has a phonological/articulation delay due to difficulty understanding her words/sentences. In that particular area, she is about 40% behind. (you have to be atleast 30% behind to qualify) Emma does tend to say a lot of things that no one can really understand so I think the therapy will help alot with that. She used to have her sessions twice a week but now she will only have it once...on Thursdays.

Also, this has nothing to do with therapy, but I would love for all to say a little prayer for little Hailey bug. She has been sick for almost a week and spent several hours yesterday in the ER. I hope she is on the up side and will start feeling better soon. Love you little Hailey. :)

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