Thursday, August 30, 2012

4 Years!

Today my sweet little baby turned 4 years old. How in the world do I have a 4 year old?! Many times today I thought about the morning she was born and that whole day. I was in such amazement of this new little person that would forever change our lives. Emma has taught us so much over the past 4 years. She is turning into such a smart, beautiful, sassy, respectful young person. I love her more than I ever thought I could love anyone or anything. She (and her sister and brother) are my world. I am one lucky mama. 

Even though today was Emma's birthday, it was not a great day. The girls spent the whole day whining, arguing, fighting, screaming, not listening, etc. We don't have very many of those days so I guess every once in a while they will be like that. Once Josh got home they were a lot happier( go figure), so we took Emma out for her birthday dinner. We let her choose and she chose Longhorn. She enjoyed her dinner and then a chocolate molten lava cake. I can tell that today was just not a great day for her but I'm hoping tomorrow will be better. 

Happy Birthday my sweet Emma. I love you so much.

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