Monday, June 15, 2009

Emma's 1st Boat Ride

This evening we went on a short boat ride. It was Emma's first time ever on the boat and I wasn't sure if she would like it. She started off a little fussy because she didn't understand the life jacket. It was a little uncomfortable for her and we just had to get her situated. Once we got on the boat and got going, she started smiling and laughing. About 15 minutes into the ride, Emma fell asleep. She was already a little tired when we got there. She had fallen asleep from the house to the boat ramp and we had to wake her up to get on the boat. So she was sitting on Papa J's lap and then her eyes got really heavy and she just fell asleep. I'm so glad that she enjoyed it though....for the little bit she was awake.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

It looks like it may be time for that pink fishing rod, as long as Emma doesn't go fishing at nap time. Hope ya'll are having a great time.