Friday, June 12, 2009

Our Day with Katie

So yesterday Emma and I ventured out to go shopping with Katie. Emma was in desperate need of a few more summer clothes and also some PJ's. So Katie came to pick us up and we went to Friendly Center. We went to a few stores, but only bought some things at Carters. I love me some Carters! They have some of the cutest clothes and they are always having sales so it is not really expensive. After shopping, we went to Sapporos to eat. I love Sapporos and the only time I ever get to go is with Katie. This was Emma's first time ever going to a restaurant like that, so I was a little worried about how she would react to the big fire when they start cooking. She did awesome though. I don't think she quite understood what it was and the heat from the fire didn't seem to bother her either. She mostly just people watched and banged on the table.[but it was so loud in there you couldn't here it, so it was ok] She always does a great job whenever we go out. Just give her some people to watch and some puffs to snack on and she's good to go. After we ate lunch we went to Babies R Us....and don't you know, I found the CUTEST shoes for Emma....... but they didn't have her size. :[ Why does that always happen to me? Grrrrrr...... After about 3 1/2 hours of shopping and lunch, we went home and Emma and I took a nap. We had so much fun going out with Katie. Emma loves her some Aunt Katie, that's for sure.

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