Friday, November 26, 2010


Our Thanksgiving day was great. Because the girls needed naps, we weren't able to go anywhere until the afternoon. We always have dinner with my side of the family, so we went to my mom and dads house. We were in charge of bringing the turkey so Josh spent a large part of the afternoon frying one. I was so glad to see everyone but it gets hectic. Our girls are our first priorty and after getting them taken care of and making sure they ate, there just isn't a lot of time to visit. But we had some good food and we were all together, so that's all that matters. As much as I enjoy Thanksgiving, I am glad it's over because now it's time for Christmas!! I took some pictures but most of them didn't turn out good because I caught a lot of people in the middle of a big bite or something so here are just a couple.

Daddy carved the turkey!
Emma looked so cute in her little owl dress

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