Saturday, April 16, 2011

Home Sweet Home

We are finally moved in. Yesterday and today have been really long days and we are absolutely exhausted, but we are so glad to be settled in and home. Josh moved boxes all morning yesterday and got the keys and came to the house to unload them. I took the girls to Josh's parents around 1:00 and then Josh and I loaded the crib, toddler bed, our bed, and a lot of misc. stuff. I didn't realize how hard all that stuff was going to be carrying it down 3 flights of stairs. Around 6:00 my mom, dad, John and Connie all met Josh over at the condo and believe it or not, they loaded up everything else. I was shocked. Those boys came ready to work. We had everything moved into our house by 9:00. I think I did pretty well. I got very overwhelmed yesterday with all the boxes and I had a hard time going to sleep last night because I knew I had so much to do. But we were completely unpacked by mid-afternoon. Everything is where it is supposed to go and it feels so good. Both girls slept all night last night and it didn't seem to both them that they were in a new place. They also took 2 hour naps today, so I think they are good. :D It feels so weird to be in a new place. I keep opening up the wrong cabinets and drawers and we are getting use to our new "normal". We had a really bad storm come through today but I'm really looking forward to taking the girls outside to play soon. I know they are going to love being able to step outside. We haven't gotten our computer all set up yet because the desk isn't here but as soon as we do, I will post some pictures.

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