Monday, August 8, 2011

Our Weekend

This past weekend was just like any other weekend. We didn't really have too much going on. Josh had to work Saturday morning (like usual) and after he got home and the girls got up from their naps, he went to the grocery store and then cam home to help me clean. Josh's parents came over that night with Sam to visit for a little bit. The girls' love when they come over.

Josh didn't have to go to work Sunday! I was so exicted because it's not too often that we get to spend the whole day with him. After the girls ate breakfast we decided to take them to the lake to feed some ducks. Emma loves going to feed them and I thought Josh would enjoy it since he hadn't ever got to go with us before. It was a lot cooler then than it had been but once we stepped outside we realized that the humidity was at 92% or so and it was sticky. Emma usually doesn't take too long to feed them so it wasn't that bad.

After the girls naps we headed to Stokesdale like usual. I love that we have a set day that we all go to my mom and dads house to visit. The Hollifields are usual there too and sometimes we get lucky and Katie is off work so she can visit with us too. We swam for most of the afternoon and then had some lasagna for dinner. I was so proud of Emma because she got out of the pool a few times and said she had to potty and she did. I am just glad that even though she was playing and in the pool she realized that she had to go. She hasn't had an accident in the past two days and we are so proud of her.

This morning has been kinda blah for me so far. I didn't sleep well last night and I've had a really hard time keeping my eyes open. But I'm really excited to get out of the house with my Ryleigh bear when Josh gets home. I'm going to get a couple of things for Emma's 3 year pictures tomorrow with Autumn. I'm so excited and I hope Emma cooperates and we get some great pictures!


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