Tuesday, August 30, 2011


3 years ago today, at 7:39 a.m. my 1st little girl came into my life. What an exciting, scary, crazy day that was. I knew nothing about how to be a mother. I only knew that there was going to be this little tiny person that I was responsible for. I did lots of research, read lots of book, asked for lots of advice.....but nothing could ever prepare me for the stage of life I was about to enter.

It is absolutely amazing the love a person can feel for their child. There hasn't been one day that I haven't seen my Emma and told her I loved her. She is one of the most beautiful little girls I have ever laid my eyes on. I know I'm a bit biased, but I am so proud of the little girl that we are raising.

This little girl has changed my life.
Just one smile from her melts my heart and makes any bad day, so much better.

I have thought for a while now what I would want to say to Emma on this special day, but there are just no words that I could possibly come up with that would describe my feelings. She has a special place in my heart that will always be just for her.


We are so blessed to have such a wonderful little girl. You are the light of our lives and we love you so much. Happy 3rd Birthday sweetheart.

A big thank you to my sister Autumn for these amazing pictures.

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