Friday, August 5, 2011

potty break

(warning: dont read if you don't want to hear all about Emma going potty) :)

We have been potty training for 4 days now and Emma is doing WONDERFUL. She has only had 4 accidents I think and they were pretty minor. She is in panties full time and she loves it. We stayed home everyday because I wanted to give her as much practice as I could. After 4 days of being couped in the house we finally got out tonight and went to dinner. I was extremely nervous about taking her out because she wasn't used to being anywhere else and I wasn't sure that she would really know what to do if she had to go. As I was getting her dressed I took off her Minnie Mouse panties and asked her to put on a pull up. You would have thought I was the meanest mommy ever. She threw a fit. She didn't understand why she couldn't wear her normal panties. But she finally agreed to wear them. (with a little bribe of jelly beans) Before we got in the car I showed her that we had a potty in the back of the car incase she needed to go. I just knew that there was no way that we were going to make it back home without an accident. We drove about 20 minutes to the restaurant and ate dinner. After dinner I told Emma that we needed to go potty before we left. As I opened the door to the bathroom, she freaked out! She started screaming and throwing a fit and didn't want to go in. I had to pick her up and carry her into a stall and pull her skirt and panties down and put her on the potty. As soon as she was up there, she calmed down and was fine. I guess she just didn't know where she was and it scared her. She has been using her small potty at home and now she was having to use a big potty. Once she sat there for a few seconds, she started peeing and was so proud. She didn't go a lot so I was worried that she wouldn't make it home......but she did. We got home and I ran with her straight to the bathroom. She didn't need to go then, but about 10 minutes later she did.
So there it is.....we made it through our first time away from home and she did great. She stayed completely dry!

I know I have talked about Emma a lot lately, but I want you all to know that Ryleigh is doing great too. She is the sweetest little thing. She found out a couple of weeks ago that she can get up on the couch by herself now and she enjoys running from one end to the other.

We don't really have anything planned this weekend. I think it is supposed to rain most of the time, but I'll try and get some pictures to post.

Hope you have a great weekend!!

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